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     With the advent of the internet and its great integrating, developing, and connecting capabilities we have experienced a transformation in the way we communicate and the way we view and seek information.  With a factor of constant change, the internet has introduced and upgraded new forms of media in all its varieties.  Photo albums, diaries, radio, television, news and many other types of media have experienced technological revampment in a relatively short amount of time.  This has, in turn, led to the effective creation of new genres.  Youtube, for example, holds millions of scores of videos with a wide range in genre- yet its most popular series, Epic Rap Battles of Histories, is a prime example that holds testament to the capability of neo-classification of a genre by the internet.  This youtube success has been recognized as its very own genre even among its competing videos.

     Epic Rap Battles of History is a youtube hit series, created by Peter Shukoff (Nice Peter) and Lloyd Ahlquist (Epic Lloyd), that takes popular historical, fictional, and present-day figures and portrays them in a comedic setting while having a rap battle.  The idea is to have the characters insult each other while displaying (and exploiting) their vast knowledge of many different aspects of their opponents.  As such, the characters are typically not constrained by the time period to which they belong; some characters have a time gap in their existence consisting of centuries.  At the end of the rap battle, viewers are encouraged to decide the winner and to suggest new contestants for the next episode.  Not immune to the internet sub-culture and the many issues our society faces today, Epic Rap Battles of History effectively reflects what our youth deems most relevant when it comes to history, politics, and pop-culture.  Aware of this demographic, Epic Rap Battles of History  features original beats and music, famous artists and performers, and awareness of some discussions generated by current events.  

Justin Bieber vs Beethoven

For example, in the music category, most of the videos feature two artists who may be polar opposites in style and appearance, or artists whose supporters engage in arguments with each other over why their artist and his music is superior.  Most notable are the videos featuring Beethoven vs. Justin Bieber and Mozart vs. Skrillez.  In Justin Bieber vs Beethoven, the current discussion on Bieber’s often questioned musical ability.  Some of the insults towards Bieber reflect the internet’s sub-culture that displays hate and dissent for the canadian artist.  The insults towards Beethoven reflect the typical reasons Bieber fans give to defend him.  Also, both artists were big in their respective music careers at their time.

Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye 

Science is also not exempt from the scrutiny and reporting that Epic Rap Battles of History does.  The internet arguments that come about from certain videos or images often have the debate shifting to secular scientists vs creation scientists.  It can be said that much of this discussion culminated with the Ken Ham vs Bill Nye debate- from which soon after Epic Rap Battles of History uploaded their own take on the debate.  In this video, Sir Isaac Newton raps against Bill Nye.  Though there is little mention of the respective agendas of both sides in the discussion, it is very well implied, by its timing and characters, that they are referencing this ongoing debate.

Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney

One notable video posted, effectively setting Epic Rap Battles of History as a politically relevant and (internet) sub-culturally important is titled “Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama”.  This video came out during the presidential election week and captured the divided spirit of the American people, the overall impressions from the presidential candidates’ debate, general attitudes towards the presidential candidates, and different political aspects of the process.  The demeanor of Romney and Obama is portrayed well in the acting and overall, the video served as a commentary on the intense election that also reflected the views of American citizens.  The video was so popular, that votes by younger people for the candidates were well recorded in the comment section.


Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc

On a less pertinent subject, Epic Rap Battles of History displayed awareness of and quickness to report on celebrity scandals and such. With Miley Cyrus’ shocking performance in the 2013 Music Awards and the many criticisms she received, the video “Miley Cyrus vs. Joan of Arc” captures the discussion on Miley’s radical shift in persona well.  Joan of Arc is a completely antithetical in character to Miley, and as such, well embodies the voices of the side of the discussion that condemns Miley’s behavior.  Joan of Arc is selfless, chaste, prudent, and wise.  Miley is criticized for being skanky, selfish, and obscene.  

Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates

Another segment in which Epic Rap Battles of History uses parody to uncover an ongoing discussion about a current issue is the Bill Gate vs Steve Jobs episode.  In this clip, Apple’s and Microsoft’s business practices, criticism of their demographics, jabs at their technology and products, and the caricaturing of both founders runs rampant.  They even include the voices of the “hipster” group of people in the discussion that bring up Linux by adding HAL9000 at the end of the rap battle.  

Superman vs Goku

Fiction is also not absolved- pop culture’s most prominent internet discussion is the title of this video.  Goku vs Superman.  There are similarities in the story behind the heroes of both of these franchises.  Both are extra-terrestrials who are sent to Earth to later discover their respective identities after much prepubescent struggle.  Both contain extraordinary power and a selfless, almost pure-hearted demeanor.  Superman is noted to be the strongest and most powerful comic book hero across different western comics, while Goku, (from Dragonball Z from Japan) is also noted as the strongest and most powerful hero across different manga (Japanese comic) franchises.  World War II sentiments are uncannily represented through both of these mega franchises and the rap battles serves, more than an analysis of whose superior, as terrain for ridiculizing the other’s plot-holes and other general criticisms.

     Epic Rap Battles of History generated a great formula for a new form of entertainment.  The verses and rhymes wittily inform the viewers of the ongoing discussion as the battle progresses while also entertaining them.  The videos are well choreographed with different cinematic elements and actor actions that visually hint and subliminally allude to details that only reinforce their message from yet another angle.  The music is written to enhance the tone of the battle while also made to match the personas of the participants.  Though probably not originally intended, the comments in the comment section below the clip add great depth to the video as new points about the rap battle are introduced and debated.  You also see a general consensus as to which of the rap battle participants won, which could be taken as a way to gauge which side has more supporters.


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